Now that we’ve made it all the way up here we’ve
got to get all the way back again but this time we’ll come down the Milonas (or
Miller’s) Valley. So first we must descend that evil looking slope .
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Autumn Crocus, Colchicum pusillum |
A quick look at the flowers before we start our
descent, most of which we met on the way up, such as the little yellow
Sternbergia but there are also these delicate little Autumn Crocuses. Pretty
little things that those of you with long memories may remember we met once
before when we visited The Waterfall of Milonas a couple of years back and I told you the story of
a famous murderer. On the plus side though, it was the original source of the
drug colchicine which has a number of uses including treatment of Familial
Mediterranean Fever. This is a rather nasty human disease caused by a genetic
mutation specific to people of Eastern Mediterranean origin. Like nettles and dock leaves the problem and
solution are to be found in the same place.
Raven, Corvus corax |
I see that our friends the ravens are keeping an
eye on us from above. One of these days I’ll get a decent photograph but it’s
difficult to hold the camera steady whilst spinning on a scree slope as you may
have noticed. You may be forgiven for thinking that a raven is a raven is a
raven but apparently not so. According to an analysis of DNA taken from 72 birds across the northern
hemisphere they are all the same apart from those in California which are
genetically different.[1] (I
can’t help feeling that this may explain a lot about Californians in general).
Incidentally I’ve seen a lot more ravens about this year and at lower
altitudes. I wonder why?
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Seed Bug, Lygaeus pandurus |
Watch your step coming down here, it really is
quite treacherous underfoot. I usually find that using the plants as stepping
stones rather than trying to step between them gives you a better purchase. I
see we have a couple of seed bugs down here, one adult and one nymph. Both the
same species as far as I can see; Pistachio Red Bugs. A bit of a misnomer
really as they’ll sup sap from a multitude of plants. They’re very hardy little
bugs, as happy up in the mountains as they are down on the coast, so you can’t
help admiring them. Talking of the
coast, you can just about see it from here (the sea at any rate).
Darkling Beetle, Raiboscelis coelestinus |
We’re aiming for that track below us but first, a
fallen pine tree to investigate. Let’s sit down here a while and poke about
among the decaying branches and see who’s home. What have you got there? A
smashing little Darkling Beetle, no bigger than my thumbnail. These are cosmopolitan beetles that you can
find from the driest deserts to the wettest rainforests and are omnivores, like
ourselves. If you want to live all over the world then it pays not to be too
fussy. If you look closely you can see that this one has a blueish sheen and
that, along with the pattern of dimples on his back helps us to identify him.
He goes under the name of Raiboscelis coelestinus
if you’re taking notes.
And here we are back on the track that leads to the
church. Next week we’ll see what’s lurking in that gully but first – let’s
rock. A couple of weeks ago we were looking at minerals and now I’d like to
draw your attention to some of the rocks that are lying around, of which I’ve
collected a few on the way down. So what’s the difference between a rock and a
mineral? To illustrate: the church is sat upon a limestone outcrop. Limestone
is a rock which consists primarily of two minerals: calcite and aragonite. Both
of these minerals contain the same elements: calcium, carbon and oxygen but
they’re put together in a different way. Simply, elements make minerals make
rocks. We too are a collection of elements put together in different ways which
we get, via plants and other animals, from rocks. So on our way down the
Milonas valley we’ll have a little look at the chemistry of life as we go and
see how we’re all bound together with the planet on which we live.
The Extra Bit
Black Redstart, Phoenicurus ochruros |
The first Black Redstarts of the autumn have arrived on the south east coast. I spotted this female on the way up and there was a male on my gate post as I left home this morning. These birds usually appear in November and overwinter here. They form a part of our ongoing phenological study (see Phenomenal
(the facebook page that accompanies this blog)
See detailed pictures at (search - people-stevedaniels-observations)
I love reading your adventures up there, I remember climbing up the road that lead past the iron rich cliffs of Kritsa near Ag Nik. Just a youngish kid. Loved it up there, the smell of oregano everywhere
ReplyDeleteHere the smell of sage predominates