morning, good morning, good morning. I thought we’d make an early start today
as it is going to be another scorcher and the temperatures are likely to reach
thirty Celsius by mid morning. Time? About ten to five. Come on, don’t just lay
there yawning, there’s a whole new day waiting to be explored. Get dressed,
come downstairs where tea and toast await, I’ve a photograph to show you.
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Force 9 Wind Damage |
Ah, there
you are. As you know, last time we met up we were confined to barracks by the Meltemi
wind running at a Beaufort Force 8 and we spent our time discussing Elemental
Forces in general and the effects of wind on wildlife in particular. This wind, which has been tormenting us on and
off for the past fortnight, eventually reached a Force 9 with speeds of 75–88
km/h which is enough to break branches from trees, and here’s the proof. As you
can see this was quite a sizeable bough which I found ripped away and dangling
in the herb bed the other morning.
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Yellow-legged Gull colony at Bramiana |
Let’s turn
our attention to the hinterland and see what flowers and insects we can find.
You never know we might even come across the odd reptile or two. As you can see
there isn’t much in flower at the moment; a few patches of Thyme and some Yellow
Henbane but here’s one I wanted to show you over here. This stunning flower,
being lovingly tended by black ants, is more familiar than you may think. If
you like pizza then you’ve probably eaten a few of these in your time because
this is the caper flower; traditionally picked and pickled before the flower
develops. Incidentally it is not just the flower buds that can be treated in
this way, the Italians pickle the leaves in the same way and the fruits
(inaccurately known as caperberries) can also be treated thus. They should be
out soon. Do chew on a leaf if you have any irritating insect bites – they contain
a natural antihistamine.
With so few
plants in flower it is not surprising that there aren’t as many insects about as
there were in the Spring when we were out here last. It is early in the day as yet
of course, even the cicadas have only just woken up, but here is an insect that
I haven’t come across before in the flesh although I have seen plenty of
evidence of their existence. This is a Black and Yellow Mud-dauber Wasp.
Difficult to see it properly as it’s darting in and out of this Lentisc bush. They
are called Mud-daubers because they build their nests from mud, laying a single
egg in each cylindrical chamber. These they provision primarily with a small spider
which they first paralyse
with their venom and then leave in suspended animation as a sort of living
ready-meal for when the egg hatches. Gruesome isn’t it?
I have to
admit that I was hoping to see a little more than we have this morning but we
are approaching the height of summer which, at these latitudes, is akin to the
depths of winter in more northerly regions. Nature avoids extremes and when the
winters get too cold up north things either hibernate or migrate and so it is
down south: when the summer gets too hot things either aestivate or migrate. I suggest
that we follow their lead and meet up again in September. I’ll continue to
publish the occasional blog throughout the summer and if you click on the
little red G+ sign at the top of the page then you’ll be notified when I do or
alternatively join my Naturalists Group on facebook. Until then enjoy your
summer wherever you may be and good hunting. Meanwhile I’ll leave you with one
of my favourite summertime birds, a small flock of which has just landed in
that bush over there, the colourful, ever chattering Goldfinch.
(the facebook page that accompanies this blog)
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