as I adore living here in Crete with its wall-to-wall sunshine there
is something to be said for rain; it does make things green. So come
with me if you will, down Simonscales Lane, for a walk in the great
British countryside. Notice the difference between the hedgerow on
the left and the one on the right. There are far more woody species
on the left indicating that it is probably the original field
boundary with just a footpath this side. You can estimate the age of
a hedgerow by counting the number of woody shrubs in a 100ft stretch
and multiplying by 100. This makes the original boundary over 600
years old, whereas the footpath was probably upgraded to a track and
the second hedgerow planted within the last 200 years. Besides the
woody shrubs there are plenty of herbaceous plants such as Common
Vetch (Vicia sativa) and Crosswort (Cruciata laevipes).
These are providing food for the local insects as we can see from
this Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines) sipping nectar from a
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). Highly poisonous to us humans
but we're made differently to butterflies.
the end of the track a stile takes us onto a footpath alongside the
river Cocker as it wends its way towards the town. A bit of a
botanists dream along this stretch. We have Bistortia (Bistortia
officianalis) who's leaves are used to make Dock Pudding over in
Yorkshire; Lady's Smock (Cardamine pratensis) which you should
never bring indoors or use in a May Day garland for fear of upsetting
the fairies; some knapweed (Centaurea sp.) which clued-up
farmers allow to grow wild as they persuade beetles away from their
crops; and some Germander Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys)
which was such a popular plant for making tea (as well as being
considered to be good for gout) that it was nearly eradicated from
London in the eighteenth century.

into the woods and pausing to say hello to a rabbit on our way I see
we have a much nicer tempered fly on the fence. This is a Noon Fly
(they like to sunbathe in the middle of the day) and they are nectar
feeders and have no interest in biting us. Just as well really as,
when they're not sunbathing they spend most of their time on cow pats
where they both mate and lay their eggs. They also make a mockery of
the saying 'breed like flies'. The female Noon Fly lays only five
eggs in her lifetime, each in a separate cow pat. Thus spake
Wikipedia but unfortunately with no citation. I like to check my
facts thoroughly before passing them on to you but after half an
hour's searching I cannot verify that this fact is true. Can any
dipterologist out there confirm or deny?
love the great diversity of broad leaved trees in England. We have
trees in Crete of course but they're mainly olive and pine with the
occasional Plane and Oak thrown in. This one for instance, standing
there as though posing for a Liz
Black Dowding painting,
is a Horse Chestnut (Aesculus
hippocastrum). Supplier
of conkers for playground games, they have medicinal qualities
and were also collected in great quantites during the first world war to
be used in the production of rifle cartridges. The conkers provided
the starch to ferment the Clostridium
bacterium to produce the acetone to make the solvent to manufacture
the cordite that propelled the bullets from British rifles up until
the 1950s. Sounds like an idea for a cumulative song like The Court
of King Caractacus, doesn't it?
that about wraps it up for Cumbria. Next week we start on our journey
back to Crete by rail and sea. Don't forget your passports.
Nature Catch-up
Books well,
just the one at the moment but I have now completed all of the adult
critters for 'The
Quick Guide to Creepy-Crawlies' as well as the terrestrial
juveniles. Just the aquatic juveniles to go and it will be ready for
Just For Twisted Women by Steve Daniels
A light-hearted look at life through the eyes of the fairer sex. Kindle Edition 1.99 pounds sterling (or equivalent). Click on the links to the right to buy or preview Paperback Edition 4.99 pounds sterling (or equivalent).. Read snippets, samples and stuff at Steve's Books |
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facebook page that accompanies this blog)
the region with the #CreteNature interactive Hiking
and Nature Map
That's a couple of months ago at least to have orange tips on view!
ReplyDeleteQuite correct Simon. I was there in May.