of the loveliest sights of the summer has to be the dragonflies like
this beautiful Scarlet Darter sitting on a fennel stalk. They are
quite distinguishable from other red dragonflies by the orange flash
at the base of the wing but have you ever wondered why we associate
dragonflies with summer? Well, there isn't quite so much flying about
for one thing but mainly it is because the majority of dragonflies
are busy in the other seasons developing from an egg into a nymph, a
process that takes place in freshwater where they look very different
as you can see.
are still about of course and the grasshoppers are skittering around
our feet but generally anything with any sense goes into aestivation
round here in the summer and with temperatures hovering around the
40C mark it's only mad dogs and Englishmen (like me) that go out in
the midday sun. Thankfully our journey is all downhill from now on.
insects of course draw a substantial part of their diet from flowers
and they are few and far between in the summer in Crete because there
is such a scarcity of water in the summer months.
However, I see a
few reeds off to our right which means there's a little dampness
about so we may find the odd wild flower about if we get down on our
hands and knees. This little beauty is Lesser Centaury named after
the centaur Chiron of Greek myth. Chiron was known for his skill
with medicinal plants which is strange for, as far as I know,
Centauries have no medicinal properties whatsoever. The grimoires
suggest that burning it will ward off snakes but there again I should
think that setting fire to anything would have much the same effect.
else can we find down this hill? Aha, I said that there were plenty
of grasshoppers about. Just look how well camouflaged this one is
against this grey stick. He's hiding his true colours, his hind wings
are bright blue as you can see if we just persuade him to fly off.
Incidentally, this set of apartments is called La Luna Blu and it is
Italian run so if you're Italian, fancy a holiday in Ferma but are
worried about not being able to speak Greek this is probably just the
place for you.
so you think you know what an insect looks like? What do you make of
this little lady? Yes, she is an insect, a female wax scale insect to
be precise. So, where are the six legs? Scale insects are really
weird. When they first hatch from the egg they have six legs and are
known as crawlers but both species quickly metamorphose into
something resembling a white fish scale (hence their common name).
The females then grow in a series of moults until they look like
this. Males on the other hand undergo complete metamorphosis and
after pupating emerge as a six legged winged insect which we would
all recognise as such. The males only live a day or two in the adult
form, just long enough to mate with a female scale insect (and I
can't help feeling that most of that time must be spent in working
out how to mate with a female scale insect). As I say, scale insects
are seriously weird insects.
if we just trundle on down this hill and turn right at the bottom
we'll come to the oasis that is known as Katerina's, a lovely little
taverna where something cool and refreshing awaits.
Extra Bit
Talking of Scale insects, I found some new ones at Ierapetra Hospital. As far as I can make out these are Red Gum Lerp Psyllids (Glycaspis brimblecombe) which infest Crete's only (naturalised) Gum Tree, the River Redgum, Eucalyptus camaldulensis.
is the link for La
Luna Blu
of you have asked
me what
photographic equipment I use so here's a quick rundown on the cameras
used for each picture. For details of aperture settings, shutter
speeds etc. my pictures will be on Flickr
a few days and that has all the geeky stuff.
1 Canon
EOS 1300D
Inset Konica
Minolta DiMAGE Z3
2 Nikon
Coolpix S33
Inset Canon
EOS 1300D
3 Nikon
Coolpix S33
Inset Canon
EOS 1300D
4 Nikon
Coolpix S33
Inset Canon
EOS 1300D
5 Nikon
Coolpix S33
Inset Canon
EOS 1300D
Bit picture Canon EOS 1300D
were edited with FastStone Image Viewer and combined with Microsoft
your nature thoughts, photos and comments on Naturalists (the
facebook page that accompanies this blog)
detailed pictures on Flickr
more about the flora and flora of the island in The
Nature of Crete (Flipboard
the region with the #CreteNature interactive Hiking
and Nature Map
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