This being the middle of January all of the fishing boats
have been taken in for the winter and the harbour is deserted. We’ll make our
way to the far end where large chunks of rock lay sprawled about in abandoned
attitudes, their faces turned to the south like monolithic sunbathers. Take a
closer look at the rock on our left: it is low tide at the moment but you can
clearly see the high water mark where the rock darkens. The Mediterranean is a
small sea and has a tidal range of only about one metre.
In the smaller pools where the water is quieter the first
thing that we notice is that the floor is covered with Top shells, Rock Ceriths
and other small molluscs. These are the marine relatives of the slugs and snails
that we find in the garden and like their terrestrial counterparts are
herbivorous, living off the algae that coat the rocks.
But not all is quite as it seems. A whelk has suddenly
sprouted legs and started crawling across the bottom of the pool in a most
un-whelk-like way. The original occupant of the shell is no longer in residence
and has been taken over by a Hermit Crab. Unlike other crabs the hermit has a
soft, unprotected abdomen and has to roam the sea bed looking for ever larger abandoned
shells to inhabit as it grows. Not only do we have a crab in a whelk shell but
on the outside we seem to have little snails with their tops sawn off. Despite
their appearance they are not molluscs at all as they do not feed by using a tongue-like
foot as slugs and snails do. These are Polychaete Tubeworms, related to the
garden earthworm. They sit and wait for
the food to come them.
As we are prodding about at the bottom of the pool I notice
that we are being observed. Zipping
around and then suddenly hanging motionless in the water is a small translucent
Rock Pool Prawn. Pass me the net and we’ll take a closer look. Like crabs,
prawns are crustaceans and they really are quite beautiful close up. They too
have land based relatives in the garden; woodlice and pill bugs. Incidentally
there is no difference between a shrimp and a prawn scientifically speaking. In
most English speaking nations of the world a shrimp is regarded as a small
prawn. In the U.S.A it is the other way about.
The clouds are gathering and the sun is dropping so I’ll
just take a sample of some algae to look at under the microscope and then we’ll
head back for a pot of Earl Grey tea and crumpets – but hang on a minute, who’s
this emerging from under a rock? Would you believe, a Spiny Starfish. (It gets
its name from the white spines down its arms). Starfish, which have no garden
relatives, have a most peculiar way of eating: they engulf their prey and then,
instead of taking it down into their stomach like most other animals they send
their stomachs out and digest it outside. Quite revolting really but it gives a
whole new twist to al fresco dining.
Having eaten our tea and crumpets in the more conventional
manner lets get these algae samples under the microscope and see what’s
happening in the world of the very small.
I see that we have more worms. Unlike the earthworm and the
polychaete tubeworms we saw earlier these worms are not Annelids (segmented
worms) but unsegmented worms called Nematodes. These are probably the most
widespread animals on earth and can be found anywhere from the poles to the
tropics, on land or sea, and as parasites in plants and other animals including
us humans.
Fascinating as these
creatures are I’d rather leave you with something more pleasant to look at so
here’s a panorama of the harbour.
GO TO NEXT BLOG When Nature Fights Back
If you have any pictures from
rocky shores then please share them with us on our facebook page: Steve's Naturalists' Group.
With thanks this week to:
Susannah Anderson Wnanderin' Weeta's Nature Blog (Canada)
John Mclaren Aquaworld Aquarium
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